Eco & Fair
Fair Trade Clothing
For example, Fair Trade clothing refers to raw materials that come from Fairtrade-certified trade. In the whole, they must comply with Transfair standards. All products are grown by certified contractors, further processed and transported. The Fairtrade standards guarantee suppliers long-term relationships in partnership, which ensure that many small farmers are guaranteed their livelihoods. Due to the often direct trade relationship, the farmers can live off their work and thus bypass the exploitative inter-trade. For example, the Fairtrade premiums also help to facilitate the construction of schools or drinking water wells.
Global Organic Textile Standard
GOTS stands for Global Organic Textile Standard and sets the highest ecological and sustainable requirements. Also social requirements for organically produced natural fibres.
- Water-based inks
- Bleaching without chlorine, but on an oxygen basis
- Wastewater treatment
- All accessories must be natural, such as buttons made of natural materials such as stone nut, mother-of-pearl or horn
GOTS defines minimum social standards and guarantees ecological and social production at every stage of the manufacturing process, while respecting fair working conditions and wages. And:
- Minimum wages that comply with legal or industry standards
- Ensuring health and safety at work
- Social security / employment contracts
- No discrimination
- Prohibition of child labour and forced labour
- Right to freedom of organisation and collective collective bargaining
If you want to know more about GOTS click here.
Fair Wair Foundation
Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) is an international multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to improve supply chains and working conditions in textile factories worldwide together with all member companies.
The strict code of conduct, called the Code of Labour Practice, includes the right to freedom of association, the ban on child labour, security-standard jobs, living wages and resource-saving production. In all companies that also come after the fabric production as well as sewing shops, embroidery and printing works.
Click here for more information.
Sustainable Materials at Fair Trade Clothing
These items are made from renewable raw materials and recycled materials such as organic cotton, organic wool, recycled pasty, organic linen, tencel and ecovero. You can find more here .
You can see exactly which sustainable material is in each individual product in the description.